Capitals play a major role in rolling the development wheels of any community and likewise are the human thoughts, being the foundation stone of any developed society enjoying prosperity.
Human thinking, at the large scale, did not leave a stone unturned. It fathomed literature, arts, sciences, technology and industry. Here emerged the need to a form of legal protection to the rights associated to the human intellect. Therefore, states have entered into different forms of agreements whereby various tools were devised. The said agreements developed in line with the development of the human intellect; and they, some of them, dealt with the protection of intellectual property; others with copyrights – which is also known as the author’s rights – in addition to the audio, video works of art together with their rights related or parallel to copyrights, patents, trademarks, designs or industrial patterns.
The U.S.A lawmaker aimed at outlive all the developments of the intellectual property and copyrights domain; and thus, the U.S.A, without hesitation, joined international agreements in this domain and coped up with the latest legislations to stay side by side with the requirements of the development and boom it witnesses.
Based on our understanding of the importance of intellectual property and copyrights, mandated us to get equipped with all the tools and armed with the qualified professionals to cater to all our clients’ needs in this domain. We not only have all the said rights duly registered, but also undertake all the procedures necessary to protecting such rights, preventing any infringement, or recovering any violated rights.